Intelligent Systems
Note: This research group has relocated.


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Mechanical Design, Development and Testing of Bioinspired Legged Robots for Dynamic Locomotion

Sarvestani, L. A.

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen , November 2022 (phdthesis)

DOI [BibTex]


DOI [BibTex]

Data of: Gastrocnemius and Power Amplifier Soleus Spring-Tendons Achieve Fast Human-like Walking in a Bipedal Robot
Data of: Gastrocnemius and Power Amplifier Soleus Spring-Tendons Achieve Fast Human-like Walking in a Bipedal Robot

Kiss, B., Gonen, E. C., Mo, A., Buchmann, A., Renjewski, D., Badri-Spröwitz, A.

July 2022 (misc)

Data, code, and CAD for IROS 2022 publication Gastrocnemius and Power Amplifier Soleus Spring-Tendons Achieve Fast Human-like Walking in a Bipedal Robot

link (url) DOI [BibTex]

Viability in State-Action Space. Connecting Morphology, Control, and Learning
Viability in State-Action Space. Connecting Morphology, Control, and Learning

Heim, S.

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, February 2020 (phdthesis)

DOI [BibTex]

DOI [BibTex]


Electronics, Software and Analysis of a Bioinspired Sensorized Quadrupedal Robot


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Gait analysis of running guinea fowls

Bonnet, A.

August 2018 (mastersthesis)




Impact of Trunk Orientation  for Dynamic Bipedal Locomotion
Impact of Trunk Orientation for Dynamic Bipedal Locomotion

Drama, Ö.

Dynamic Walking Conference, May 2018 (talk)

Impact of trunk orientation for dynamic bipedal locomotion My research revolves around investigating the functional demands of bipedal running, with focus on stabilizing trunk orientation. When we think about postural stability, there are two critical questions we need to answer: What are the necessary and sufficient conditions to achieve and maintain trunk stability? I am concentrating on how morphology affects control strategies in achieving trunk stability. In particular, I denote the trunk pitch as the predominant morphology parameter and explore the requirements it imposes on a chosen control strategy. To analyze this, I use a spring loaded inverted pendulum model extended with a rigid trunk, which is actuated by a hip motor. The challenge for the controller design here is to have a single hip actuator to achieve two coupled tasks of moving the legs to generate motion and stabilizing the trunk. I enforce orthograde and pronograde postures and aim to identify the effect of these trunk orientations on the hip torque and ground reaction profiles for different control strategies.

Impact of trunk orientation for dynamic bipedal locomotion [DW 2018] link (url) [BibTex]


Evaluation of the passive dynamics of compliant legs with inertia
Evaluation of the passive dynamics of compliant legs with inertia

Györfi, B.

University of Applied Science Pforzheim, Germany, 2017 (mastersthesis)


